Co-operating for change

In my ongoing quest to share the story of how Ugandans lives are changing for the better as a result of the partnership between the Canadian Co-operative Association and the Ugandan Co-operative Alliance, I made this video.

I hope that it provides clarity on the purpose of our mission and just how much can be accomplished by communities when they work together within a credit union and/or co-operative.

The look of sustainability

We visited numerous farms during our time in Uganda. One thing that became clear very quickly was that the land is ultra fertile and the diversification among the crops farmers can yield is quite vast.

Below is a photo essay capturing a few of the commonly seen commodity crops that provide sustainability for the farmer’s families; their communities and whoever is on the receiving end of the exporting trail. Most important to note though is that the farming practice is the livelihood of many Ugandans and it truly sustains their families and provides  a life with potential for future generations.

Cassava – a root vegetable, starchy much like the potato. It is a main source of carbohydrates for many and considered a staple crop. Another staple crop not pictured here, but grown extensively is maize (corn). cassava Continue reading