Wildlife Wednesday: Back yard bird beauty

I wish I could fluff up and keep warm from the chill of winter just like this little beauty from my backyard.

Happy Wildlife Wednesday!



Question of the day
Do you have any regular visitors to your backyard?

2 thoughts on “Wildlife Wednesday: Back yard bird beauty

  1. The juncos have come in full force in the last month since the temperature dropped. The black-capped chickadees have been here all year and will stay through the winter (yay!) Husband said he saw a Cooper’s Hawk lurking the other day, there’s a big ol’ family of California Quail that hang out in the neighborhood and then there’s the usual suspects, like house sparrows, house finches (like the one you have above), Cassin’s Finch. I’m looking forward to the Spotted Towhee to make an appearance. He’s so jaunty. 🙂

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